India/Denmark Adoption Trafficking

In Adoption, Adoption Survivor, Adoption Trafficking, Asia, Europe, Featured, Long Lost Family, Media, Rights, Videos by Adoptionland News

A lot went wrong in the adoptions of the 70s and 80s.

At the time, adoptive children from both India, Bangladesh, and China were brought to the Netherlands without the knowledge of their parents. The children’s papers were also tampered with.  It has, therefore, become very complicated for them to find their biological family.  But what was the role and responsibility of the Dutch state in these adoptions?

Look at our research story: to what extent was the Dutch state aware of these shadowy adoption practices and how did they act at the time?  Terre des Hommes announced after our report three years ago that it was investigating the events in Bangladesh.  This research has now almost been completed, the organization reports.

This is a report by: Machteld Veen and Eelco Bosch van Rosenthal.

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