Exclusive First Look at Fusion's Investigative Series on Black Markets, 'The Traffickers'

Fusion Investigates International Adoption

In Adoption Trafficking, Africa, Agency Complaints, Rights, The Americas, Videos by Adoptionland News

Fusion, The Traffickers

“I didn’t know I was going to go to a new place. When I went to the orphanage I thought I just stay there to do some something, but then I noticed I was never coming back.” Adopted Child

“One thing is clear about international adoption is that nothing is straight forward, nothing is as it seems. On the surface level it’s this altruistic, doing good for the sake of good, adopting children, but in reality, there is people making money, out of orphans that don’t seem to be orphans, and somethings not right…I need to understand what is going on.” British journalist Nelufar Hedayat the host of Fusion, The Traffickers.

Available Now:  Adoption: What You Should Know 

Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

A Global Movement

For the first time in adoption history, families of adoption-loss from all over the world unite, each sharing a unique perspective. The anthology’s contributors are emerging, educated, and established writers, promoting the right to original family.

Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

Experts from Adoptionland

Our anthology, Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists condenses the topic of adoption–a global movement of children–into a revealing look that identifies and acknowledges a crisis specific to orphans who have been torn and isolated from our first families.

Families separated-by-adoption face unique concerns, rarely recognized by the mainstream. Some of the issues we face include forced and coerced relinquishment, child trafficking, reassigned identities, falsified birth records, inaccessibility to one’s family lineage, lack of citizenship, void of cultural connection, belittling of the trauma caused by adoption, resistance toward reunions with family, denial against justice.

All humans—including orphans—should have a right to know and have access to our first family and to ancestral roots. The demand-driven adoption market ignores childrens’ rights.

"Janine presents a compelling, rational, highly-researched foundation for advocating an evolutionary appraisal of the adoption world, followed by an equal inclusion of adoptee voices in creating positive change in the system. What makes her collection so compelling is the deeply personal revelations of the writers regarding their unique experiences, the profoundly troubling reports (much understated) of mental and physical abuse, as well as the startling recognition of how severely adoption procedures and practices are weighted in favor of existing, profit-motivated institutions as opposed to adoptee rights and consideration."

Joel R. Dennstedt

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Adoption Researcher

International multi-award recipient and gold-medalist author, Janine Myung Ja, Ph.D., is an adoption researcher, and a rights-based activist for people adopted and long-lost families.

Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network

A Community for Human Rights

Devoted explicitly to the needs of adopted people, progressive activists, artists, educators, and grassroots human rights organizations and all other long lost family members who want to know the history of the adoption institution and is built around progressive discussion. Thanks for joining! Direct login is here

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