An Adoptee’s Nightmare

In Adoption, Excerpts, Rights, Videos by Adoptionland News

As an adoptee my records have been sealed. I have never been able to make contact with my biological family until now. Unfortunately, the results have been my worst nightmare. This is not a comprehensive examination of my entire experience as an adoptee, but rather an expression of what I’m going through right now. Adoptee Rights are Civil Rights – Adoptees deserve the same access to their information as everyone else.   Cryptic Omega,  Adoptionland Contributor

Published on Jan 19, 2015

Finally, a survey by an Adoptee for Adoptees!

The Adoptee Experience Survey was designed to bypass the typical bias inherent in surveys conducted by adoption agencies, their representatives, government agencies, and other nonadoptees to capture an accurate representation of the collective experience of participating Adoptees. The information gathered will be used to educate nonadoptees on what it means to grow up and live as an Adoptee and to empower the Adoptee community.

This survey, for Adoptees only, can be found here:… – Works best in Chrome.

This survey is anonymous. At no time does it ask for identifying information such as names, email/ip/mailing addresses, etc. However, duplicate responses are made apparent in order to filter out manipulation attempts.

There is no age limit. The only limitation is the Adoptee must be willing and able to complete the survey on their own without interference.

This survey contains 45 questions. Some questions may not apply to you and are not required to complete the survey. There are “Other” answer selections available throughout the survey in which you are invited to provide more information about your individual experience.

So far over 750 Adoptees have participated in the survey. Open and closed adoptions; transracial and intraracial; transnational, domestic, and First Nations Adoptees have responded. Individuals from 30 different nations have expressed interest.

The results from the survey will be made public after the survey has run its course and the data has been sorted. At the end of the survey there are three comment questions. If you’d like to be contacted, please leave your contact information in your response to one of these questions.

The most recent survey update may be found here:…

Every Adoptee’s experience is important. Please take the time to let your voice be heard and share this survey with our fellow Adoptees.


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