An Against Child Trafficking Success Story

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 An Excerpt from “Inside Story of an Adoption Scandal” by Arun Dohle gives reason for the need for searches and reunions:

 “In historical terms, intercountry adoptions from India have had a short run. Within thirty years of its inception, murky scandals of child kidnapping, falsifying paperwork, outright trading, and other tragic stories have ridden these intercountry adoptions. Worldwide, adoption experts widely believed that ratifying the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-Operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (1993) would help reduce malpractice in such adoptions. The Convention aims to minimize malpractice in adoption and “prevent the abduction, the sale of, or trafficking in children.”

But does regulating help in weeding out cases of malpractice? Or does the regulation of intercountry adoptions, because of the strong demand for children, lead to a legalized market for children without effective control?”

Arun Dohle, of Against Child Trafficking 2009

When it comes to child trafficking, Against Child Trafficking is the only charity that acknowledges the families and victims left behind as well as the adult adoptees who were stolen as children.  Please consider donating to this worthy cause.  Against Child Trafficking USA is a grassroots 501(c)(3) charity managed and approved by adopted people around the world.

For more information about ACT visit here.

Against Child Trafficking Founder, Roelie Post

Gift of Hope