Korea Baby Exporting Nation

In Adoption, Adoption Trafficking, Agency Complaints, Excerpts, Rights, Videos by Adoptionland News

This is the first critical documentary to come out of Korea about inter-country adoption.  Aired May 2005 in Korea.  English subtitles

Read Holt’s Front Door…
What are Korean Adoptees saying today?
The "Uknown" Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now, compiled by the Vance Twins

Compiled by the Vance Twins

At last, after sixty years of adoption profiteering, these narratives paint a true portrait of adoption–from the back door–by those most affected. This collection, compiled by Korean adoptees, serves as a tribute to transracially adopted people sent all over the world. It has been hailed to be the first book to allow Korean adoptees to speak freely since the pioneering of intercountry adoption after the Korean War. If you were adopted, you are not alone. These stories validate the experiences of all those who have been ridiculed or outright abused but have found the will to survive, thrive, and share their tale. Adopted people all over the world are reclaiming the right to truth and access to birth documents. This book is a living testament to why previous “orphans” do not endorse the profitable Evangelical Orphan Movement. Those who work in the human rights field, whistleblowers, or adopted will see the value of this book. After years of forced “positivity” led by the profiteers, it is time to be real. These are real stories from individuals no longer serving the adoption pioneers’ fanciful wishes and advertising campaigns. Read this book before you pay adoption agency fees. These courageous narratives could save tens of thousands of dollars or prevent you from unethically obtaining a child. Be the first to read these narratives and join the ever-expanding Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Network. It’s never too late to walk in awareness!

Author and researcher, Janine Myung Ja

Author and Researcher Janine Myung Ja

Rev. Dr. Vance has studied international adoption for 20+ years, has written Adoption History: An Adoptee’s Research into Child Trafficking, and has spearheaded the 2022 Adoption Trafficking Awareness Symposium.

She is also the compiler and co-editor of Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists and The "Unknown" Culture Club: Korean Adoptees, Then and Now. These anthologies serve to pay tribute to domestic, transracial, and intercountry adopted people and families left behind while validating their experiences and informing them of their rights. Janine and her twin sister, Jenette, are the co-creators of the Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Network social media group. You can also find Janine @ AdoptionHistory.orgAmazon, or Goodreads.

Journalists, media, researchers, academics, authors, documentary filmmakers, advocacy groups, legal professionals, event planners, government agencies, genealogists, and healthcare professionals seeking commentary, book inquiries, speaking engagements, or expert information on the history and current climate of international adoption are encouraged to contact Rev. Dr. Vance at info@adoptionhistory.org