Christian World Adoption (CWA)

In Adoption Trafficking, Africa, Agency Complaints, Excerpts, Featured, Rights, The Americas, Uncategorized, Videos by holtproduct

2009 special report on Ethiopian child adoption agencies and how they exploit Ethiopian children and families.

“This is Tegene, he’s a little abandoned child,”  says the presenter on Christian World Adoption’s DVD catalogue of orphans.

On the other side of the world, Lisa Boe fell in love. She adopted Tegene, who one day identified his real ‘mom’ in a photograph.

“I would have never brought home a child that had a mom, never,”  she cries.

Children have become Ethiopia’s latest export. A lack of regulation and the $100 million annual revenue, has resulted in a completely corrupt adoption industry. ‘Harvesting’, an illegal process in which children are actively sought from their parents, is commonplace.

“The parents don’t understand that the children are now legally someone else’s,”  explains a former worker at CWA.

Most agencies tell the parents they’ll receive regular updates on their children. Yet mothers of children like Tegene, say they have heard nothing for years –

“As a mother, not to be able to know my kids’ situation hurts me so much”.


ABOUT Adoption: What You Should Know: The adoptee’s voice is the most important voice in adoption, but it is the only voice that has been totally ignored in the now worldwide industry. Imagine being told that you were orphaned and believing this tale years into adulthood, only to find out years into the future—as an adult—that your biological family is still alive and searching for you. Because of concealed documents, adoption agencies can hide things like this. Most believe that this is no big deal. After adoption fees have been paid, your blood-related family is now stigmatized as your “birth family.” As a consequence, you and all your potential siblings and extended family members have no legal right to reunite—ever—even decades into the future—even when you’re 99 years old. Stories like this are the roots found within the research and history of Adoption: What You Should Know. Who likes to be the bearer of bad news? No One.

Are You a Domestic, Late-Discovery, Transracial, International Adoptee, Parents and/or Family Members Separated By Adoption? 

For adopted people and families separated by adoption

Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Information Network (ATTWIN) was initiated on November, 5th 2011, hosted by Adoption Trafficking. We are a unique activist organization that uses various mediums to fulfill its mission to critique adoption policies and procedures, raise awareness, and share diverse adoption experiences. Simply put, our goal is to create a place that gives a well-rounded perspective on the adoption processes and policies. Members include domestic, late-discovery, transracial, internationally adopted people, and families separated by adoption, from every continent.