Against Child Trafficking

Against Child Trafficking

In Adoption, Adoption Trafficking, Agency Complaints, Europe, Excerpts, Media, Rights, Videos by Adoptionland News

About ACT: 

Against Child Trafficking is an international nonprofit organization, registered in the Netherlands. ACT’s main focus is the prevention of child trafficking for intercountry adoption. ACT advocates child rights based social policies that are in compliance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is the universal standard and the best safeguard against child trafficking.

ACT is monitoring intercountry adoption practices worldwide and conducts research on child rights issues, particularly those that affect children deprived of parental care and trafficked children.

ACT serves as Documentation & Research Center.

Our collected data serve local, regional and international child rights/human rights NGOs and networks, as well as individual child rights advocates and lawyers who deal with child trafficking issues, and of course the media.

ACT alerts international organizations and national governments to concrete cases of child trafficking for intercountry adoption.

Last but not least: ACT’s Adoptee Rights Council

The below compilation shows some of the parents we work for:


Gift of Hope.